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Forget the Covid Thread. Vaxxed or Unvaxxed


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I know we have many accomplished internet doctors in this thread, but just thought Id share something a top physician and family friend shared on facebook.  I had to take my wife to the ER Sunday night and saw first hand the mess they are dealing with.  They were hanging IV's in the waiting room and it was over a 6 hour wait to see a doctor.   This is a long read but its not from some random source and has real information.  


I have not posted anything on facebook for many years. I rarely even look at it. But I am posting something today. Full disclosure, it’s a long read, so bail now if you don't want to hear about covid from a hospital doctor. I probably wont post again anytime soon, as this has been hard to do.
I am sick of Covid too.
It has ruined businesses, relationships, crippled our economy, further divided our country and killed over 600 K in our country. While I can not validate all of the deaths of the over 6000 Arkansans, I certainly can attest to the hundreds that we have lost in our small 250 bed community hospital. They really died of covid. It really happened and it still is every day. And no, we aren't falsifying death certificates to inflate numbers or because we “are paid more for them”.
As many of you know, I am a hospitalist physician so I have a different perspective than most. My only job is to care for hospitalized patients, including the crushing wave of sick and dying covid patients so I can speak directly to what is really going on behind the doors of our hospital, and in hallways of hospitals across the country.
This current surge is the worst mass casualty event I have ever seen in my 30 +year career that includes being a physician in the US Army for many years before entering civilian practice.
Covid is spreading like wildfire in our community and across the south and is overwhelming our ER and hospital and we don't seem to notice or care. It doesn't seem to have affected behavior at all. Despite only 30-40 % of use being vaccinated, we wear no masks, congregate closely in large groups, and don't stop to think that we are be spreading it. Just because we don't see it at Kroger or Walmart, doesn't mean it's not there.
I am an Arkansan who was so proud of my state early in the pandemic. We were doing so much better than almost every other state in rate of infection. Certainly better than on the coasts. All that is behind us now as we have assumed our usual position of leading the nation, this time in something other than teenage pregnancy; our rate of infection per capita. Our hospitalizations are up several hundred % in just a few weeks. And while some believe that you can fake covid numbers, you can not fake hospitalizations.
Disturbingly, in North Little Rock, we reached the same number of hospitalized covid patients in only 3 weeks that took us 3 months to reach during our winter surge. Yesterday we surpassed the highest total we have ever had during the pandemic. 66 patients. And the demographics have changed. We didn't have 20-50 year olds during the winter surge, but they make up the majority of our patients now. All unvaccinated. The few vaccinated patients we have are frail elderly, and while they made up the majority of our patients for the first many months, I have not admitted a single person from a nursing home or assisted living during this surge.
13 of the 35 patients I saw last Saturday were unvaccinated covid patients.
And make no mistake, regardless of what you hear and read, these patients are NOT admitted for vaccine reaction, we are admitting the unvaccinated because they have covid pneumonia and can't breathe.
It is an unexplainably horrible, gut wrenching and heartbreaking experience to watch your patient smother to death, or to have to make the agonizing decision with a family to “compassionately extubate” their loved one who is dying on the ventilator. Something I have had to do dozens of times over the last year and half, and our hospital team has had to do hundreds of times, more and more each day. Thankfully many allow us to medicate them so they don’t suffer.
I am sick of having to talk to my older patients about advanced directives on the first day they come into the hospital. "I am that bad?" “Not yet sir and I'm praying that it doesn't come to that but I need to know while you can still tell me."
We talk to them then because they can still think and breathe enough to answer, because if they don't decide against it, most will be tortured with resuscitation protocols that won't work and they will not survive.
I am sick of our hospital being so full covid patients that we don't have room for others that are sick.
I am tired of being angry at many of my patients. That is a first. Granted it's only after they get angry with me for asking them about vaccination status. (a critical prognostic indicator and key historical bit of information to track, because 99 + % of our deaths occur in the unvaccinated now)
I am sick of telling the families of patients who are 43, 27, 33, 21, 27, 28 years old and so many others that their loved one may not make it no matter what we do. (some of whom had already had covid and recovered so thought they were immune- you are not, even if it's been only a few months, and probably not at all protected from the delta variant). Or even worse, they didn't make it. In fact, many of them won't or won't be the same even if they do.
I am sick of hearing “my immune system is good so I'll take my chances'' or “I’ve had covid and it wasn't that bad”. Good for you. But we know that if you have had covid, you probably spread it to at least 2-3 (alpha variant) or 4-5 (delta variant) other people. Many of whom did not do so well. We hate to make you “feel bad”, but you may have actually caused the hospitalization or death of someone else. Some of you know exactly the pain that I am talking about and it is hard to deal with.
I am sick of hearing “My body, My choice” whether it’s shouted by an abortion rights advocate to justify killing an unborn child or by my fellow conservative Christians to justify their unwillingness get vaccinated or even wear a mask. Neither is willing any longer to even consider that it isn't just about them. It's about those who can not protect themselves. The weak, the infirmed, the vulnerable. Ones that we, particularly as believers, are compelled to protect.
I am tired of people who have NO IDEA of what they are talking about, who have NEVER watched someone die of this, and yet openly discourage others from protecting themselves or those around them and are proud of it. Everyone is entitled to make an informed choice, but please don't fill others with disinformation. Trust me, as all of my immediate family has, even if you don't trust the government or the health care authorities including Fauci. Please trust the physicians who you have trusted with the health of your families for decades, rather than the unvetted firehose of “vaccine research” or treatments you “learn” about on facebook or youtube.
I am sick of the irrational fear of the vaccine, and not a realistic enough fear of the virus and how it spreads and what it can do to you or your loved one. I am sympathetic to the people that are vaccine hesitant. It's new, it's different. It has the word “mRNA” in it. But it is overwhelmingly proven and will not alter your DNA. Many of our own nurses were hesitant for various reasons, most out of the totally unsubstantiated fear of infertility, but they are now putting aside their own fears and getting vaccinated in large numbers after seeing what the delta variant is doing in our hospital to patients from NLR.
It's time to get over it. Over 340 million doses of the vaccine have been given in the US alone, 2.4 million in Arkansas and believe me, I would know if your risk is greater from the vaccine or the virus. The vaccines aren't perfect, no one is claiming that they are, but trust me, you would rather run the risk of feeling crappy for a few days, than to be hospitalized, and they are the only way we can come out of this mess without enumerable more variants and deaths.
Whatever you think the risks of vaccination are, the risks from the disease are far worse.
We are all sick of the politicization of the worst health crisis in over 100 years, one that should have united us but instead has divided us further.
We are worn out. We are heartbroken for the families and saddened by the tragedies that occur on a daily basis and yet angered and embittered that this wave could have been avoided.
I am sick of the people who were thanking us, flashing their lights and honking in the parking lots for our efforts earlier in the pandemic, who are now sticking their heads in the sand, and some even have becoming suspicious that the medical community is now partner to a nationwide government conspiracy to inflate those horrible and unthinkable, and undoubtedly “grossly inflated” numbers.
We are spent. I am sick of death. I am sick of grieving with families, even my own, as my father passed away during the pandemic too. And we didn’t get to memorialize the incredible man that he was the way he deserved as a result of it.
So don't be shocked or offended when the medical team who will be taking care of you or your loved one isn't able to effuse care or compassion after 18 long months of dealing with this. We were finally starting to feel hopeful. Seeing a light at the end of the tunnel, hoping to get our lives back too, hoping to go to a Razorback football game, on vacation, to go back to church, or even being comfortable in a restaurant again and for our kids to go to school and not be sent home. But instead we are dealing with this bullshit all over again and there is NO end in sight.
So what is my point? Help us. Put a mask on when you are in a store. Or a restaurant. Maintain social distance as much as possible. Don’t be an ass when someone who is scared asks you to. Voluntarily allow yourself to be slightly inconvenienced rather than allowing this chain reaction to continue to boil out of control until your hospital has no room for you. I am sick of wearing a mask too, every day, all day, but I do. Not only to protect myself, but to protect those around me, even though I am fully vaccinated and have been since early January. My colleagues and I were lined up to be among the first in our state/nation to be vaccinated. And we would take a booster today if it was offered to us. (By the way, only a few of our 100+ physicians got covid during the pandemic, because we wear masks all day.)
Get vaccinated. Even if you have already had covid. Please. It's not just about you. It's about all of us pulling together and overcoming this mess, getting back to our lives without further disruptions to life and business that at the current rate, are coming again soon. Even if you believe that the vaccine has smart dust, nanotechnology, is part of some huge governmental plot to herd their citizens, or some the ability to track you far better than google or apple can with your phone, step up. Think. We can't afford for your to wait any longer.
Believe me, once vaccinated you do feel some relief from the fear of catching it, and you know that even if you do you are less likely to be hospitalized and at this point, you are choosing whether you will get the vaccine or some variant of the virus. It will happen. There is no "herd immunity" until that happens, regardless of what you want to believe.
I am thankful that so many have finally started their vaccination series in recent days, but even if everyone in our state started their vaccine series tomorrow, it will still be weeks before this avalanche starts to slow down.
We need business to stay open. We need people to be able to work. We need to slow this onslaught of new cases. In order to do that, we need people to start taking some basic precautions again.
And finally and most importantly, please pray for us. Daily. We are in a war. I am on call today and will be inundated with new cases in the coming hours. Several already.
I would ask you to stop for a moment and pray and reflect. Ask the Holy Spirit to search your heart and speak to you. I am asking Him to do the same for me. I have to pray against the spirit of bitterness and anger I have right now, it isn't helpful and it's not from Him.
Get out of your own head for a minute and get on your knees. Pray and intercede for your health care workers. We need encouragement and a fresh anointing every day. As well as do the first responders, our country and world. And for peace and reconciliation.
Please don’t respond to this post. Forward it if you want, but Don't like or Dislike it, or comment on it.
This is not for debate or rebuttal, amen or screw you. Just my plea and perspective.
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13 minutes ago, Tomorrow's Newspaper said:

I know we have many accomplished internet doctors in this thread, but just thought Id share something a top physician and family friend shared on facebook.  I had to take my wife to the ER Sunday night and saw first hand the mess they are dealing with.  They were hanging IV's in the waiting room and it was over a 6 hour wait to see a doctor.   This is a long read but its not from some random source and has real information.  


I have not posted anything on facebook for many years. I rarely even look at it. But I am posting something today. Full disclosure, it’s a long read, so bail now if you don't want to hear about covid from a hospital doctor. I probably wont post again anytime soon, as this has been hard to do.
I am sick of Covid too.
It has ruined businesses, relationships, crippled our economy, further divided our country and killed over 600 K in our country. While I can not validate all of the deaths of the over 6000 Arkansans, I certainly can attest to the hundreds that we have lost in our small 250 bed community hospital. They really died of covid. It really happened and it still is every day. And no, we aren't falsifying death certificates to inflate numbers or because we “are paid more for them”.
As many of you know, I am a hospitalist physician so I have a different perspective than most. My only job is to care for hospitalized patients, including the crushing wave of sick and dying covid patients so I can speak directly to what is really going on behind the doors of our hospital, and in hallways of hospitals across the country.
This current surge is the worst mass casualty event I have ever seen in my 30 +year career that includes being a physician in the US Army for many years before entering civilian practice.
Covid is spreading like wildfire in our community and across the south and is overwhelming our ER and hospital and we don't seem to notice or care. It doesn't seem to have affected behavior at all. Despite only 30-40 % of use being vaccinated, we wear no masks, congregate closely in large groups, and don't stop to think that we are be spreading it. Just because we don't see it at Kroger or Walmart, doesn't mean it's not there.
I am an Arkansan who was so proud of my state early in the pandemic. We were doing so much better than almost every other state in rate of infection. Certainly better than on the coasts. All that is behind us now as we have assumed our usual position of leading the nation, this time in something other than teenage pregnancy; our rate of infection per capita. Our hospitalizations are up several hundred % in just a few weeks. And while some believe that you can fake covid numbers, you can not fake hospitalizations.
Disturbingly, in North Little Rock, we reached the same number of hospitalized covid patients in only 3 weeks that took us 3 months to reach during our winter surge. Yesterday we surpassed the highest total we have ever had during the pandemic. 66 patients. And the demographics have changed. We didn't have 20-50 year olds during the winter surge, but they make up the majority of our patients now. All unvaccinated. The few vaccinated patients we have are frail elderly, and while they made up the majority of our patients for the first many months, I have not admitted a single person from a nursing home or assisted living during this surge.
13 of the 35 patients I saw last Saturday were unvaccinated covid patients.
And make no mistake, regardless of what you hear and read, these patients are NOT admitted for vaccine reaction, we are admitting the unvaccinated because they have covid pneumonia and can't breathe.
It is an unexplainably horrible, gut wrenching and heartbreaking experience to watch your patient smother to death, or to have to make the agonizing decision with a family to “compassionately extubate” their loved one who is dying on the ventilator. Something I have had to do dozens of times over the last year and half, and our hospital team has had to do hundreds of times, more and more each day. Thankfully many allow us to medicate them so they don’t suffer.
I am sick of having to talk to my older patients about advanced directives on the first day they come into the hospital. "I am that bad?" “Not yet sir and I'm praying that it doesn't come to that but I need to know while you can still tell me."
We talk to them then because they can still think and breathe enough to answer, because if they don't decide against it, most will be tortured with resuscitation protocols that won't work and they will not survive.
I am sick of our hospital being so full covid patients that we don't have room for others that are sick.
I am tired of being angry at many of my patients. That is a first. Granted it's only after they get angry with me for asking them about vaccination status. (a critical prognostic indicator and key historical bit of information to track, because 99 + % of our deaths occur in the unvaccinated now)
I am sick of telling the families of patients who are 43, 27, 33, 21, 27, 28 years old and so many others that their loved one may not make it no matter what we do. (some of whom had already had covid and recovered so thought they were immune- you are not, even if it's been only a few months, and probably not at all protected from the delta variant). Or even worse, they didn't make it. In fact, many of them won't or won't be the same even if they do.
I am sick of hearing “my immune system is good so I'll take my chances'' or “I’ve had covid and it wasn't that bad”. Good for you. But we know that if you have had covid, you probably spread it to at least 2-3 (alpha variant) or 4-5 (delta variant) other people. Many of whom did not do so well. We hate to make you “feel bad”, but you may have actually caused the hospitalization or death of someone else. Some of you know exactly the pain that I am talking about and it is hard to deal with.
I am sick of hearing “My body, My choice” whether it’s shouted by an abortion rights advocate to justify killing an unborn child or by my fellow conservative Christians to justify their unwillingness get vaccinated or even wear a mask. Neither is willing any longer to even consider that it isn't just about them. It's about those who can not protect themselves. The weak, the infirmed, the vulnerable. Ones that we, particularly as believers, are compelled to protect.
I am tired of people who have NO IDEA of what they are talking about, who have NEVER watched someone die of this, and yet openly discourage others from protecting themselves or those around them and are proud of it. Everyone is entitled to make an informed choice, but please don't fill others with disinformation. Trust me, as all of my immediate family has, even if you don't trust the government or the health care authorities including Fauci. Please trust the physicians who you have trusted with the health of your families for decades, rather than the unvetted firehose of “vaccine research” or treatments you “learn” about on facebook or youtube.
I am sick of the irrational fear of the vaccine, and not a realistic enough fear of the virus and how it spreads and what it can do to you or your loved one. I am sympathetic to the people that are vaccine hesitant. It's new, it's different. It has the word “mRNA” in it. But it is overwhelmingly proven and will not alter your DNA. Many of our own nurses were hesitant for various reasons, most out of the totally unsubstantiated fear of infertility, but they are now putting aside their own fears and getting vaccinated in large numbers after seeing what the delta variant is doing in our hospital to patients from NLR.
It's time to get over it. Over 340 million doses of the vaccine have been given in the US alone, 2.4 million in Arkansas and believe me, I would know if your risk is greater from the vaccine or the virus. The vaccines aren't perfect, no one is claiming that they are, but trust me, you would rather run the risk of feeling crappy for a few days, than to be hospitalized, and they are the only way we can come out of this mess without enumerable more variants and deaths.
Whatever you think the risks of vaccination are, the risks from the disease are far worse.
We are all sick of the politicization of the worst health crisis in over 100 years, one that should have united us but instead has divided us further.
We are worn out. We are heartbroken for the families and saddened by the tragedies that occur on a daily basis and yet angered and embittered that this wave could have been avoided.
I am sick of the people who were thanking us, flashing their lights and honking in the parking lots for our efforts earlier in the pandemic, who are now sticking their heads in the sand, and some even have becoming suspicious that the medical community is now partner to a nationwide government conspiracy to inflate those horrible and unthinkable, and undoubtedly “grossly inflated” numbers.
We are spent. I am sick of death. I am sick of grieving with families, even my own, as my father passed away during the pandemic too. And we didn’t get to memorialize the incredible man that he was the way he deserved as a result of it.
So don't be shocked or offended when the medical team who will be taking care of you or your loved one isn't able to effuse care or compassion after 18 long months of dealing with this. We were finally starting to feel hopeful. Seeing a light at the end of the tunnel, hoping to get our lives back too, hoping to go to a Razorback football game, on vacation, to go back to church, or even being comfortable in a restaurant again and for our kids to go to school and not be sent home. But instead we are dealing with this bullshit all over again and there is NO end in sight.
So what is my point? Help us. Put a mask on when you are in a store. Or a restaurant. Maintain social distance as much as possible. Don’t be an ass when someone who is scared asks you to. Voluntarily allow yourself to be slightly inconvenienced rather than allowing this chain reaction to continue to boil out of control until your hospital has no room for you. I am sick of wearing a mask too, every day, all day, but I do. Not only to protect myself, but to protect those around me, even though I am fully vaccinated and have been since early January. My colleagues and I were lined up to be among the first in our state/nation to be vaccinated. And we would take a booster today if it was offered to us. (By the way, only a few of our 100+ physicians got covid during the pandemic, because we wear masks all day.)
Get vaccinated. Even if you have already had covid. Please. It's not just about you. It's about all of us pulling together and overcoming this mess, getting back to our lives without further disruptions to life and business that at the current rate, are coming again soon. Even if you believe that the vaccine has smart dust, nanotechnology, is part of some huge governmental plot to herd their citizens, or some the ability to track you far better than google or apple can with your phone, step up. Think. We can't afford for your to wait any longer.
Believe me, once vaccinated you do feel some relief from the fear of catching it, and you know that even if you do you are less likely to be hospitalized and at this point, you are choosing whether you will get the vaccine or some variant of the virus. It will happen. There is no "herd immunity" until that happens, regardless of what you want to believe.
I am thankful that so many have finally started their vaccination series in recent days, but even if everyone in our state started their vaccine series tomorrow, it will still be weeks before this avalanche starts to slow down.
We need business to stay open. We need people to be able to work. We need to slow this onslaught of new cases. In order to do that, we need people to start taking some basic precautions again.
And finally and most importantly, please pray for us. Daily. We are in a war. I am on call today and will be inundated with new cases in the coming hours. Several already.
I would ask you to stop for a moment and pray and reflect. Ask the Holy Spirit to search your heart and speak to you. I am asking Him to do the same for me. I have to pray against the spirit of bitterness and anger I have right now, it isn't helpful and it's not from Him.
Get out of your own head for a minute and get on your knees. Pray and intercede for your health care workers. We need encouragement and a fresh anointing every day. As well as do the first responders, our country and world. And for peace and reconciliation.
Please don’t respond to this post. Forward it if you want, but Don't like or Dislike it, or comment on it.
This is not for debate or rebuttal, amen or screw you. Just my plea and perspective.

This isn't the place for spam and bot fueled lies, each and every one of these "oh my god the ICU's are full"  has been exposed as a hoax.  Ark has a little over 1000 hospitalized - early in the year they had 2 times that.

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34 minutes ago, rdalert447 said:

I like how the label them “breakthrough cases.” Like it’s some unusual phenomenon.

Yup, not so long ago it was rare, with each passing week it becomes more and more common as the vaccine fails. In the UK this they reported something like 17K infections in fully vaccinated people, in the same time period only 15K among the unvaccinated.

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11 minutes ago, mikeman said:

This isn't the place for spam and bot fueled lies, each and every one of these "oh my god the ICU's are full"  has been exposed as a hoax.  Ark has a little over 1000 hospitalized - early in the year they had 2 times that.


9 minutes ago, RaiseThese said:

sounds like another fake news posting

Didnt think TN was a fear mongerer. pushing the agenda for the enemy...who knew?

either that or he is very very gullible.....thought he was much smarter than that.

carry on.  Just thought you might want actual facts from someone I personally know and from what I personally saw.

You talk about the other side not being open to other views.  Pretty funny

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6 minutes ago, Tomorrow's Newspaper said:


carry on.  Just thought you might want actual facts from someone I personally know and from what I personally saw.

You talk about the other side not being open to other views.  Pretty funny

Look even if true the point is that the VAX is not the solution, there are alternatives for the majority of people.

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1 minute ago, Tomorrow's Newspaper said:

I just hate to think their non stop rhetoric  might convince soneone not to get the shot and cost them their life.  Being they are medical experts and all

I hate to think of someone not needing to be vaxed get the shot and cost them their life just because a dude sees a few people in an ER with IV's:bulb

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1 minute ago, Jimmy Hoffa said:

Is your wife okay TN?

thanks for asking.  Yes, she is fine.  Caught something while we were in Mexico and couldnt stop throwing up for almost 4 hours.  We ended up leaving the ER after almost 5 hours of waiting.  I heard people say they had been waiting over 6 hours and still hadnt been seen. They had one section that said "do not enter unless instructed to by ER staff" that was roped off and wasnt hard to figure out it was the COVID group as most were hacking and having trouble breathing etc.  It was quite scary to witness truthfully.  

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14 minutes ago, Tomorrow's Newspaper said:


carry on.  Just thought you might want actual facts from someone I personally know and from what I personally saw.

You talk about the other side not being open to other views.  Pretty funny

This is what's going on - take a good look, identical posts from all over the country claiming the same thing, a disinformation campaign.. that's why I dont believe some guy who claims he hasn't posted in years just made a long winded diatribe. nor do i believe his claim that hunjdreds of people have died in his hospital just in the last few months - that's impossible   considering their recent death rates - which are low.


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4 minutes ago, RaiseThese said:

I hate to think of someone not needing to be vaxed get the shot and cost them their life just because a dude sees a few people in an ER with IV's:bulb

sorry it doesnt fit your agenda.  

I just pray I never get so blindsided as your are just as I pray I never become a liberal.  Both are toxic and very dangerous

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2 minutes ago, Tomorrow's Newspaper said:

sorry it doesnt fit your agenda.  

I just pray I never get so blindsided as your are just as I pray I never become a liberal.  Both are toxic and very dangerous

The vaccine doesn't work,  period. it has failed and it's becoming more and more obvious with each passing week. The solution isn't to inject it in more people, that's the exact opposite of what should be done.

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4 minutes ago, Tomorrow's Newspaper said:

thanks for asking.  Yes, she is fine.  Caught something while we were in Mexico and couldnt stop throwing up for almost 4 hours.  We ended up leaving the ER after almost 5 hours of waiting.  I heard people say they had been waiting over 6 hours and still hadnt been seen. They had one section that said "do not enter unless instructed to by ER staff" that was roped off and wasnt hard to figure out it was the COVID group as most were hacking and having trouble breathing etc.  It was quite scary to witness truthfully.  

Glad to hear she's doing better.


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Just now, Tomorrow's Newspaper said:

sorry it doesnt fit your agenda.  

I just pray I never get so blindsided as your are just as I pray I never become a liberal.  Both are toxic and very dangerous

What agenda, trying to prevent people from taking poison and suggesting they search for better solutions to the problem.......all kinds of them exist like Ivermectin, HCQ,  natural vitamins and mineral, getting in better shape....

Gee that sounds real toxic.


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2 minutes ago, Tomorrow's Newspaper said:

and for the record, I have no problem with those that decide to not get the shot.  It is personal choice.  I only have problems with people sharing bad information or fear mongering from either side of the issue

Yet you chose to fear monger

I dont think people are having any problems getting the info on the PRO vax side BTW

PS Glad to hear the wife is doing fine.

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