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10 minutes ago, joeybagadonuts said:

Sounds like a fluid situation with lots of moving parts. Wonder how him paying his INVOICE to Merlin is going ….

That's definitely an in the works situation that is none of your business.  All parties have come to an alleged agreement that is water under the bridge in forum world.  Just ask Brock for clarification on the matter.  All I know is that he now owes him $5850.  You would figure he would Uber his way out of this as quickly as possible but Brock is just being stubborn and shameless. 

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11 minutes ago, FISHHEAD said:

Feel bad for Mikeman

I feel bad for you.  You've made it clear as day that you think the dude is the scum of the earth and have no desire to ever be in his presence ever again, yet he's a total psycho inviting you to dinner every chance he gets.  What a lonely deadbeat Uber driving loser.

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Just now, Gmcarroll33 said:

I feel bad for you.  You've made it clear as day that you think the dude is the scum of the earth and have no desire to ever be in his presence ever again, yet he's a total psycho inviting you to dinner ever chance he gets.  What a lonely deadbeat Uber driving loser.

I've never met him, I would consider it if he was paying.

I'm on the short side by today's standards, I dont have a lot of chances to make fun of people shorter than me.:mutley

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13 minutes ago, mikeman said:

looks like I'm the only one brock doesn't have on ignore.

Deep down he knows he's my bitch and is hoping my genius rubs off on him. :cigar

The debt on the 5k might just work out greater than any 401k in history.

You're gonna own that Kia and rights to Headline Alberta before you know it on top of that money with interest.  At minimum Brock owe's you a free fancy dinner where you don't have to dine with him.

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1 minute ago, Gmcarroll33 said:

MM is the new proud owner of the rights to the book and a Kia smelling of chicken wings.  He can name it whatever he deems the proper name to be.

I've got too much class to drive around in an old jalopy, I'd feel like Jed Clampett.

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3 minutes ago, Brock Landers said:

"My job consists of basically masking my contempt for the assholes in charge, and, at least once a day, retiring to the men's room so I can jerk off while I fantasize about a life that doesn't so closely resemble Hell."

The same Uber driver that touted the 2024 Oscars continues to do nothing but quote movies from the 90s.  The 90s....before he lost his first quarter million to Costa Rica, and thought he had the whole world in front of him, but never envisioned himself driving people around for a living 30 years later and owing the likes of MM $5850 and a Kia.

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31 minutes ago, mikeman said:

So the police will never respond to burglaries - if you're a burglar that's sweet music and no cops will be on the streets at all at night.  I hope they burn the whole city to the ground.

Yep pretty much.And no cops between 3 am and 7 am (there no crimes are committed at night 😄), 6 stations will not work at all.
- During night duty, no more than 20 police officers will work for the entire Pittsburgh 1.7 million population in the urban area, 2.5 million population in the metropolitan area. 

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13 hours ago, PatrickBateman said:

Not as perfect as you disappearing for months due to a crystal meth binge and/or jail.

Worry about your own lame ass country and the daisy puller who is running it.

yeah i got nothin better to do than hang out with the feeder stock

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29 minutes ago, PatrickBateman said:

Stop quoting movies, dickhead.

Half the time he quotes movies and it doesn’t even make any sense.  Like when he told the forums he was a professional gambler out of nowhere when just 1 week prior he was begging and demanding to be paid to post.  Loses 10k on an Illinois game, and makes a video about his loss and blurts out “fuck em if they can’t take a joke” from Broken Arrow.  Made zero sense.

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