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In real life: Florida offers 24/7 counseling for students ‘troubled’ by Halloween costumes


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University of Florida wants students to know that if they’re offended or scared by Halloween, there’s counselors on hand to walk them through the traumatic experience.


“October brings fall weather and Halloween,” the university wrote in a blog titled “Halloween Costume Choices” posted to its website Monday.offensivehalloween


“If you choose to participate in Halloween activities, we encourage you to think about your choices of costumes and themes. Some Halloween costumes reinforce stereotypes of particular races, genders, cultures, or religions,” it continues. “Regardless of intent, these costumes can perpetuate negative stereotypes, causing harm and offense to groups of people.”


The university then urges students to keep their costumes in check in the name of inclusion and diversity.


“The University of Florida’s Division of Student Affairs Diversity and Social Justice Statement reminds us that UF fosters a community that values and respects diversity,” the blog read. “An inclusive definition of diversity recognizes the variety of personal and social experiences that make individuals and communities different from one another.”


Also, for those traumatized by politically incorrect Halloween costumes, school counselors and the UF “Bias Education and Response Team” is standing by.


“As a community, we aspire to demonstrate integrity, respect, and compassion that strives to maintain an affirming campus climate for all members of our community,” according to the website. “If you are troubled by an incident that does occur, please know that there are many resources available. Please take advantage of the 7 day a week presence of the U Matter, We Care program … by emailing [email protected]. Additionally, there is a 24/7 counselor I the Counseling and Wellness Center available to speak by phone at 352-932-1575.


“Lastly, the Bias Education and Response Team at the University of Florida is able to respond to any reported incidents of bias, to educate those that were involved, and to provide support by connecting those that were impacted to the appropriate services and resources.”



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The educational system has been hijacked by leftists, and this is the result.


The guy in the picture wearing the sombrero is guilty of cultural appropriation to these leftists that have taken over and ruined our schools.  Somehow they interpret this as an insult.

If a Mexican were to put on a cowboy hat and appropriate some American culture - that would not offend any of these leftist in the slightest, however.  And, it shouldn't offend anyone - just as the white guy wearing a Sombrero does not insult the Mexican culture.


Just one more example of the double-standard that the left sees everything through.  But, go ahead you democrats and put another leftist in the White House to make sure that this stuff just gets worse.

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there is going to be a lot of clowns out there


I wonder how many of them will be arrested for nothing?

We have 18 - 21 year old babies attending college that must be protected from the sight of a clown costume.  In an institution that is supposed to prepare them for the real world.


So, is OUR CULTURE being appropriated by these leftists now that our freedoms, like speech, are being severely restricted?


Can Police Arrest Someone for Wearing a Creepy Clown Mask?
By George Khoury, Esq. on October 3, 2016 1:14 PM

Police Chief Tim Lentz, of the Covington, LA police department issued a warning to the clowns in his town to stop clowning around. This warning was in response to a disturbing new trend of creepy clowns just showing up and creeping people out in public places.

At present, creepy clowns sightings have been reported in 28 states. Due to the large response the clowns have received on social media, it is likely the trend will continue. Clowns have been advised that the police are not clowning around.

Can the Police Really Arrest Someone for Being a Creepy Clown?

As a matter of fact, especially in a state like Louisiana, yes, an officer can arrest a clown for wearing a clown mask in public. Children under the age of 16 are generally exempted from these laws, however. While this may sound like an abuse of police authority and a violation of a person's First Amendment right to free expression, laws prohibiting hiding your face while in public are rooted in public safety and are regularly upheld by courts.

These laws are not new. The Louisiana law prohibiting someone from hiding their face in public was passed in the 1920s as a response to the spread of the Ku Klux Klan. The law made donning a KKK mask an arrestable offense with potentially a six month to three year jail term.

Can I Wear Mask on Halloween?

While state laws can prohibit hiding your face with a mask in public, there are exceptions for holidays like Halloween, or Carnival, or Mardi Gras. However, even on Halloween, if you walk into a store wearing a mask, don't be surprised if you are asked to leave unless you take the mask off.

In recent years, people in costume have raised such havoc that shop keepers are now very wary whenever they see an individual walk in wearing a mask or costume. Many cities have had severe problems caused by Santa Claus's as a result of Santa Cons (events where large groups of people all get together to celebrate the holidays while wearing Santa Claus costumes).

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