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Serena Williams out for a late-night stroll...


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i was thinking damn, this is cool but then i thought jehovahs witness


jehovahs are known for going door to door at random places, was she possibly doing some religion shit?


if this encounter was all personal i totally respect the shit out of it, great for the 2 lucky fans involved but if this was religious driven,  go fuck yourself know what i mean


i respect all religion by the way, whatever religion is your affiliation great but don't be bringing no war to anybody because you think it's the best.


Everyone has their own personal issues and anybody can find themselves with whatever they prefer but it's important to keep the friendly respect to those with a different upbringing and path aside from yourself.


But anyways King thank you for the post

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I slept alot today. Woke up at midnight and cant sleep.


well anyways plommer i hope that your health is doing better.  i wasn't just saying to get your stuff together last year just to say it, you are about 10 years older than me so guys my age need to see people like you do well if you can understand.


even i admit i have been fucked up like not going to the gym enough and running the 4 miles that i do in an hour each time but that has got to change.  I've been eating bad foods and need to do my light weights with high repetitions and high sets, etc


i've been totally off base, just like you coming in here past 3am toronto time so hopefully i can start taking action very soon, going to the gym, and stop wasting money by not going.  


and you might even be better health wise plommer but that's no excuse, push yourself harder either way, bad health, the same or better.

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i was thinking damn, this is cool but then i thought jehovahs witness


jehovahs are known for going door to door at random places, was she possibly doing some religion shit?


if this encounter was all personal i totally respect the shit out of it, great for the 2 lucky fans involved but if this was religious driven,  go fuck yourself know what i mean


i respect all religion by the way, whatever religion is your affiliation great but don't be bringing no war to anybody because you think it's the best.


Everyone has their own personal issues and anybody can find themselves with whatever they prefer but it's important to keep the friendly respect to those with a different upbringing and path aside from yourself.


But anyways King thank you for the post


You are being quite politically correct.  However, you are also being quite contradictory - which comes as no surprise.  Being politically correct often conflicts with sanity.


You respect all religions, even those with a different upbringing and path.  But don't have a friendly respect for a religion that brings war. 

Religions have caused more wars than any other cause on Earth.  You cannot respect religion if you don't like wars and what wars bring.

( Forget about history with the Crusades and the Muslim holy wars.  Forget about the wars revered in the Bible.  Don't even take into consideration that human society's since our caveman days have been controlled by the clergy, and have been nothing but cruel and savage to each other. )


So, how do you respect a religion that calls for your death or enslavement?

All you have to do is read the Quoran.  The Muslim holy book instructs its adherents to kill or enslave the rest of the world by use of the sword. 

The Jihadists are not the ones misinterpreting the book.  The moderates of this "Religion of Peace" are the ones who claim these instructions do not count anymore in order to bring themselves into the modern world.

Just as Christians keep re-interpreting the Bible to keep abreast of changes in human culture, so do the Muslims keep re-interpreting their ancient manuscripts written by Stone Age scholars with Stone Age ideas.  This lipstick on a pig does not alter what is in these holy books.

A true Muslim has been told by his god to either convert YOU, tax YOU, or preferable kill YOU.  Go ahead and respect that religion.

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Conversations go off on tangents.  What interests some does not interest others.  Sorry you had to be subjected to what interests others.



Sure I get it and I have no problem with that being the case now and again.  But with some of you, every thread is turned into a political issue and that gets old. If you wanna talk politics and turn every conversation into a debate perhaps a political forum is the better place for it.  


Just saying.  

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You are being quite politically correct.  However, you are also being quite contradictory - which comes as no surprise.  Being politically correct often conflicts with sanity.


You respect all religions, even those with a different upbringing and path.  But don't have a friendly respect for a religion that brings war. 

Religions have caused more wars than any other cause on Earth.  You cannot respect religion if you don't like wars and what wars bring.

( Forget about history with the Crusades and the Muslim holy wars.  Forget about the wars revered in the Bible.  Don't even take into consideration that human society's since our caveman days have been controlled by the clergy, and have been nothing but cruel and savage to each other. )


So, how do you respect a religion that calls for your death or enslavement?

All you have to do is read the Quoran.  The Muslim holy book instructs its adherents to kill or enslave the rest of the world by use of the sword. 

The Jihadists are not the ones misinterpreting the book.  The moderates of this "Religion of Peace" are the ones who claim these instructions do not count anymore in order to bring themselves into the modern world.

Just as Christians keep re-interpreting the Bible to keep abreast of changes in human culture, so do the Muslims keep re-interpreting their ancient manuscripts written by Stone Age scholars with Stone Age ideas.  This lipstick on a pig does not alter what is in these holy books.

A true Muslim has been told by his god to either convert YOU, tax YOU, or preferable kill YOU.  Go ahead and respect that religion.


BranchDavidian, that is a lot of serious shit.  If you are being the truth and unbiased, i will believe you and try and understand donald trump's ban on muslims, but i don't think that you will win this debate.


I have become a big fan of klalabheeb but being as i have seen your serious posts against muslims i truly need to focus on you a little more.


I would like to get to know you more BranchDavidian.  I need to understand why you don't like muslims, are they truly all out to murder everyone?  I am a fan of jesse ventura so i understand about what you're saying about how religions always lead to big war.  Yes there are a lot of bad muslims that do a lot of bad things because isis is muslim.


To me it's like the muslims under the new donald trump regime is the new black people during the slave era but it turns out there was no way in hell even the majority of black people back then were indeed that bad and deserving all the lynching let alone all the psychological trauma of being a slave?


Here in los angeles, the last time i looked among a lot of people online in jail, somehow and amazingly so they were majority ARMENIA.  Does that mean that all armenia people are bad?  i would say no, but if you are armenia and have any armenia ties, you deserve the corruption of having your phone lines tapped or hidden cameras installed etc even though that would not be constitutional.  


Let me tell you something BranchDavidian, i truly believe in corruption, as long as it's not towards the truly innocent.  Does this mean that all muslims need to be banned and killed because they are affiliated with killing americans?


I would absolutely not mind getting into a serious debate with you but there's a few things that i require.  No drugs, no prescription drugs, no sign of mental illness, certainly no mental illness period, and subject to blood tests.


So lets say that it's true that a muslim person only cares about converting you, taxing you, or killing you.  I don't give a fuck about them trying to convert me, i will just not convert.  And lets say that they want to get some money from me who cares, i won't pay.  But to those that want to try and kill me because i won't convert or pay taxes to them?  Those are the ones that deserve the gun battle from me to see who dies first.  But you know what, i truly don't believe all muslims are bad people who deserve to die.  It's a case by case situation so i don't believe just because you have the title of a muslim that you deserve to get pinned.


And lets say that i am dead before i get to complete my research about anyone who deserves to die, well you know what, that's gambling.   I am not going to put innocent people on the line in the game of death, if i die, then i die.


BranchDavidian, i challenge you on this notion that muslims are bad.  It turns out all black people from the south who were slaves are not indeed bad people.  And maybe a lot of them were shit bags and deserved to be slaves but all black people did not deserve to be pinned just because they were black.


If you are a bad apple no matter what you are aside from black or muslim then you deserve to get your due.  

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Of course, not all Muslims are bad people. But, any religion that calls for the subjugation of the rest of the world is a BAD religion.

ALL religions are just silly superstitions - but Islam has made itself a threat to the rest of the world.  So, it should be treated as a threat.


Yes, many Muslims say that part of the Koran can be dismissed now.  Just like the Catholic Church says you can eat fish on Friday now.

If the Koran was instructing its followers to tax, convert, or kill a century ago - then it still says so now.

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