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Donald John Trump


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Bernie Sanders could have won the democratic primary.  He would have won the elections but russia interfered.  I can't believe that HIllary Clinton could not beat Donald Trump.  I mean Hillary Clinton was like -700 on election day, and then by election night, something or someones took a shit in front of the fans and then it all turned out to be diarrhea blowing in our faces by midnight.


There is no way in hell that usa voted for Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders.  You can say all that you want about Bernie Sanders but Bernie Sanders is a man, and Hillary Clinton is a woman.  I have got to believe that after all that has happened so far and all the hoopla that too many uneducated bums say Hillary Clinton is a female in the end and then they couldn't do it.  If only Hillary Clinton had a different name, things might have been different but i have never even heard of in my life of the name Hillary being anything other than female.  Hell the ballot from the democratic party could have been Shannon, Bobbie, Chris, Morgan, Robin, Pat, Sam, or Jules but instead HILLARY oh my god and then the republicans had to vote.


Are you saying the elections came down to republican votes?  By god no way would republicans EVER vote for a female let alone a black guy ala Barack Obama 8 years prior, no thank you.  


I had no dreams at all of anything, didn't care about Obama winning 2 times nor Donald Trump winning 4 months ago.  In the isolated online gambling perspective i look at Obama administration as making it harder to fund our accounts being that we are online gamblers.  So now we have bitcoin, and i am like what the fuck you gonna do not Gub Mint ?  


And so what is Trump administration gonna do about bitcoin?  i just don't see he's going to be doing anything about it being that he is pro business of course but we just end up always having to see.  Once again i accept all the results that have happened, i have no idea why anyone would question me i mean why even mention globalists?  If global warming was totally bad, i believe we can do something about it on the very day.  LEARN HOW TO DEAL WITH WHINERS.  It only makes you stronger but definitely understand the complaints.  


So you think i'm a loser?  Nobody is allowed to protest their hurt feelings by blocking off the freeways on sundays?  How is it not violence by pinning me because i have raised concerns on the travel ban?  And you're talking about how Obama lied his way to office?  LIke OMG what politician doesn't lie, isn't it the name of the game?  Check the salaries of NBA referees or even baseball umpires.  Do you not think that these people might not rig a game here and there OR GAMES compared to the salaries that some of these players are getting?  


When Donald Trump invented "fake news" it was awesome for a while until i thought of his wife Melania Trump and his hair.  I'm thinking to myself, so you hate bullshit yet you have a fake wife who does fake makeup, fake cosmetology to make everyone think she is hot shit at 46 ?  And then you want everyone to think that your hair isn't real and you're talking about fake news?  


Call me and change my name to snowflake all you want here but something is WRONG here.  Well anyways i know tons and tons of people who have done slightly worse things than Jeffrey Dahmer and all their close family members and friends will always support them no matter what.  


I believe that you should own up to Donald Trump no matter what if you are that type but definitely say it outright.  


For me if i thought things were so bad, i might conspire so that in 4 years there will be a change but i haven't seen anything so far aside from the stupid ass travel ban but that's not enough to get assassinated or impeached at this point.

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Put down the bong.

Russia did not cast a single vote in our election.  IF they did indeed do the hacking and release any information - that information turned out to be TRUE.  So, the American people actually got MORE information to use in making their decision.


I could understand your point if the Russians had put out some fake news rather than the truth - like CNN has done.  But, what you are saying is that you would rather WE be left in the dark about how our politicians really act and think rather than get information from an undesirable source. 

And, all the while, you don't seem to be worried about American journalists that continually feed US lies and half-truths.


When these hackers release info embarrassing to Trump - then the Democrats will have a whole new slant on the releasing of true information to the public.  The usual double-standard for the Left.

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GSP, you usually have good points but you are way off the mark here..


The Dems did vote for Hillary. The Dems loved Hillary. They loved her because she was not a Dem. The Rs are such good propagandists they have even taught Dems to be Rs.


Bernie was very popular and came very close to winning. But he could not get black voters in the South to vote for him because they were terrified of Trump and were not willing to risk losing. Most all Dems either voted for Hillary because they like R policies or they were afraid of losing.


The Russians interfered with the presidential election. The DNC interfered with the Dem primary. You've got that all wrong.


But the Russians were just having a little fun. They had no impact on the election. Dems voted by Trump by voting for Hillary. 

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You also have it all wrong with Trump and gambling. When they asked Trump if he would allow gambling in the US, he said he would ask for permission from the NFL and NBA if people wanted to gamble. Sheldon Adelson owns the R party outright. Trump is only president of the US. He is not as powerful as Sheldon Adelson. If Adelson wants to try to curb bitcoin, they will try to do it.

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so russia didn't have anything to do with the elections?  That's very boring.  I would like to assume that they DID have something to do with the elections, so what?  i don't have a problem with russia.


In fact 1 of my favorite things to bet on are russia match fixers like in tennis.

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You also have it all wrong with Trump and gambling. When they asked Trump if he would allow gambling in the US, he said he would ask for permission from the NFL and NBA if people wanted to gamble. Sheldon Adelson owns the R party outright. Trump is only president of the US. He is not as powerful as Sheldon Adelson. If Adelson wants to try to curb bitcoin, they will try to do it.


obama pretty much let the illegal aliens do whatever they wanted.  Mexico people crossed the border and then of course a few got caught.


trump is not only letting this not happen anymore, he's looking back 50 years more or less to throw people back out.


hopefully trump will let the online gambling industry/bitcoin go wherever they please, hell let some local bookies set up shops without being caught too much.


worst thing sheldon adelson could do is build a wall to prevent bitcoin from going up.  .


i wish trump could interfere and let pinnacle back into the united states but i wouldn't be surprised if adelson was 1 of the originals to throw them out in the firstplace if what you say about him is true.

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so russia didn't have anything to do with the elections?  That's very boring.  I would like to assume that they DID have something to do with the elections, so what?  i don't have a problem with russia.


In fact 1 of my favorite things to bet on are russia match fixers like in tennis.

Well, GSP, if you can say the Russians had something to do with the elections, you can avoid Bernie being your candidate in 2020 and run Biden and lose again. If you just try to run Biden against Bernie, he might lose.

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