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‼️The defeat of the columns of NATO armored vehicles by the forces of the OBTF "Kaskad", the 5th brigade of the RF Armed Forces and the artillery of the 40th brigade of the Marine Corps of the Pacific Fleet while repelling the attack on the settlement. Novodonetskoye on the Vremevsky ledge
 ▪️Fierce battles continue at the junction of the DPR and the Zaporozhye region.
▪️The footage shows the Turkish Kirpi MCI, the American Cougar 6x6 MCI and the Oshkosh M-ATV armored car, the British Husky TSV armored car, and the T-64BV tank.
▪️ " Half of this equipment is quite subject to restoration. We are only waiting for a convenient moment to tow the trophies to the repair zone, " said the officer of the Kaskad OBTF.

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27 minutes ago, sugardaddy said:

I learned more about the war in Ukraine reading and seeing these videos than watching news networks.

There is incredibly rich content in this thread. 

There is also truth, I post the stuff that shows russia in a good light and gambit(and a couple others) do the reverse. The mass media in this country just peddles lies.

Anyone old enough recalls the war reports from vietnam and even the gulf war - bloody, detailed, showing the horrors of war, etc. There are virtually zero war reports from ukraine even though cell phones mean there's 1000 times the on the spot  videos/reports as previously. All we get are the occasional reporter from kiev reading ukrainian propaganda verbatim.

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It's not widely reported but things are heating up in syria again, the syrian army is making a push to completely eliminate the "rebels" and the russian air force has been bombing heavily. If russia was short of weapons or military capacity they wouldn't be doing that.


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Russian Army forcing the Ukrainians from the Pyatikhatki settlement According to WarGonzo: "Near Pyatikhatki, our troops pushed the enemy to the outskirts of the village, where they hold their positions in small groups. The bulk of the AFU infantry and equipment is dispersed into the nearby wooded areas, where, according to reports from the field, reserves are being brought in. Mutual artillery strikes are constantly taking place. Sources claim that Ukrainian artillery is striking all over the village, sometimes hitting their own positions as well. Our infantry did not remain in the area of artillery fire and occupy heights around the village." And this is the correct strategy. As explained earlier, here, Pyatikhatki is a key road junction that the Ukrainians must take for any further progress to be conceivable. At the same time, the settlement lies in the lowlands, open to Russian artillery fire from dominant heights to the south, east, and west. There is nowhere to hide in the village. Maintaining positions there in the circumstances of mutual artillery barrage is suicidal. Just as suicidal as the Ukrainians trying to take this village in a frontal counteroink assault instead of seeking ways to bypass it through the open fields to the east and to the west. What we have here, in Lobkovoye and Pyatikhatki is a perfect semi-closed firing bag (see map below). The Ukrainians rammed their heads headlong into a natural elevation barrier, and have nowhere to go but back (or forward, along a narrow path, where artillery makes mincemeat of them). It is not inconceivable, of course, that, with a massive accumulation of reserves, they may be able to push further through this screening perimeter, straight onto even better-prepared Russian positions. If you recall, also, Slavyangrad. had anticipated and suggested that the Russian Army may be prepared to let the Ukrainians go even further in a section of the southern front, to shut the trap. This may be achieved by allowing the Ukrainians through, then closing the door by re-taking positions on the dominant heights near Pyatikhatki in their rear.

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 During an attempt to storm the positions of the RF Armed Forces in the Zaporozhye direction, a senior soldier of the 36th Brigade of the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was captured.
According to him, their unit was supposed to be on the second front line, but the command, without explanation, sent them into the thick of it.
In this battle, only two of his unit survived.
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 U.S. considers deaths of Ukrainians during counteroffensive as a characteristic part of the conflict, which Washington knew and took into account - Pentagon

Therefore, the utilization of tarashokhls in test counteroffensives will continue in accordance with the plan of their owners. At the moment, there is a savings regime, which means that the victims among the Taras will double.


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On 6/19/2023 at 8:56 AM, mikeman said:

I guess when you're losing a war you brag about war crimes. Not very classy sir.



This nazi has been identified along with his whole family, where they live passport # and everything about his life. 

You can use a Google translate. 


Хазан Артур Алексеевич
June 20, 2023 by (Хазан Артур Олексійович)
Украинский нацист, ветеран АТО на Юго-Востоке Украины, боец 73гоморского центра специальных операций им. кошевого атамана А.Головатого ВМС Украины (в/ч А3199).
Родился 11 июня 1999 г. в г. Николаеве, Николаевская обл., Украина.
С 2018 г. по 2020 г. являлся участником АТО на Юго-Востоке Украины в составе 36ойотдельной бригады морской пехотыим. Контрадмирала М.Белинского ВМС Украины (в/ч А2802).
В 2020 г. работал сотрудником оперативного отдела в КП «Муниципальная охрана» в г. Киеве.
Является бойцом 73го морского центра специальных операций им. кошевого атамана А.Головатого ВМС Украины (в/ч А3199).
Состоит в браке.
Мать: Хазан Эмма Хамидбиевна (Хазан Емма Хамідбієвна), 22 октября 1969 г.(+380933028235; СС «Вконтакте»: vk.com/id139217570; «Telegram»: t.me/+380933028235 (ID 937701924)) ИНН: 2549710925 Адрес: Украина, г. Николаев, ул. Пограничная, д.37
серия ЕР №543619
Украина, г. Николаев, ул. Пограничная, д.37;
Украина, г. Николаев, ул. Генерала Карпенко, д.12А, кв.65
Социальные сети
«ВКонтакте»: vk.com/id135519416;
«Instagram»: instagram.com/arthur_werner18;
«TikTok»: tiktok.com/@arthur_werner18
«Skype»: live:48ed85d027506d23, artur.hazan98
Дополнительная информация
В 2020 г. А.Хазан вместе со своим сообщником напал и избил агитатора от «Партии Шария», а также залил перцовым спреем сотрудников полиции в г. Киеве. В связи в этим А.Хазан был задержан полицией и помещён под домашний арест на 2 месяца, а Подольским районным судом г. Киева в отношении него было открыто уголовное дело по ч.4, ст.296 УК Украины «Хулиганство».
В телефонных книгах других людей номер +380936929618 А.Хазана указан как «Артур Фашик».
А.Хазан участвовал в АТО на Юго-Востоке Украины, убивая мирных граждан Донбасса.
А.Хазан является сторонником неонацизма и фашизма. В своих социальных сетях он публикует фотографии, где вскидывает руку в нацистском приветствии, позирует с шевроном неонацистской молодёжнойорганизации Wotanjugend и шевроном с эмблемой, которую использовали солдаты 3ейтанковой дивизии СС «Мёртвая голова»Третьего Рейха, а также А.Хазан имеет тату сфашистской свастикой и неоязыческим коловратом (Фото 1). На фотографиях других пользователей А.Хазан был идентифицирован, как один из украинских солдат, позирующих с украинским флагом, стилизованным под флаг Фашистской Германии со свастикой (Фото 2).
В своём аккаунте в СС «TikTok» А.Хазанопубликовал видео, где он одет в футболку с надписью «Kill The Russian» («Убей Русского») (Фото 3).
27 февраля 2022 г. А.Хазан на своей странице в СС «Instagram» опубликовал фото с фразой «Расеяне, вы все умрёте» (Фото 4).
16 июня 2023 г. А.Хазан на своей странице в СС «Instagram» опубликовал пост с кадрами, записанными на его экшен-камеру, где он участвует в окопном бою и убивает 4 российских солдат (Фото 5).
19 июня 2023 г. в официальном телеграм-канале Командования Сил специальных операций ВС Украины было опубликовановидео окопного боя украинских бойцов Сил специальных операций, которые зашли в тыл российским военным и убили 10 человек. В видео присутствуют кадры, которые ранее опубликовал А.Хазан.  







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The Ukrainians treat their own dead like trash.

"Yes, his fucking head was torn

💥💥💥 The soldiers of the Russian army came across the positions of Ukrainian fighters and stumbled upon a mass of corpses without legs and with pierced heads. The Ukrainian military does not take the corpses of their brothers in this part of the battlefield.

 Considering that a skeleton was formed on one of them, at least a month has passed 💥💥💥


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[ Album ]
Sviatoslav Kondrat was liquidated. He was one of those Ukrainian paratroopers who shot Russian soldiers which surrendered in Makeevka LPR last year.

At that time Ukrainian paratroopers killed the surrendered mobilisers by shooting them at point-blank range.

#source (https://t.me/voenacher/47033)

Note: A cada cerdo le llega su San Martin!

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1 hour ago, mikeman said:

Nato trained and equipped army. :laugh


I watched this video earlier today, this is "famous" ukrainian made mortar "Molot" (hummer), since 2014 it's probably killed more uks then it's enemys. It is so unreliable there is being more than few incidents where the mine would blow before it takes off. 

 Fresh video from today

 The Ukrainian mortar "Hammer" is still the same "separ". How many Ukrainian militants have already been sent to the other world - do not count. 
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 In the video material from the Ivanovo paratroopers

 During the assault on the stronghold in the Kremensky forest, two militants immediately decided to surrender. Three others resisted and tried to escape . Two of them were eliminated immediately, and the third decided to hide in the swamp. There it lies to this day.


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