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Who here will admit that their wife is a PIG but still won't leave her?


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Most women have extremely weak reasoning, you’ll notice in arguments with them that they will try to attack the credibility of your logic to try to make themselves look better, this is the classic “I can’t beat the competition so I’ll try to make the competition less effective” strategy that women employ on a grand scale, but apply on a micro-scale in their interactions on a one-to-one basis.



Questioning a man’s logic and credibility is a way a woman essentially “brings a man down to her level of absurdity.”

There comes a line of questioning so invasive, so interrogative and so unreasonable, that a man, feeling like he is on the defence, will yield his logic to his sense of frustration, and then the woman who deliberately and calculatingly imposed this form of mental tyranny in her sense of outrage will then use this frustration as a weapon against the man to further reduce his credibility by pointing out quite proudly that he is in fact no more logical than she!

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Most women have extremely weak reasoning, you’ll notice in arguments with them that they will try to attack the credibility of your logic to try to make themselves look better, this is the classic “I can’t beat the competition so I’ll try to make the competition less effective” strategy that women employ on a grand scale, but apply on a micro-scale in their interactions on a one-to-one basis.




Questioning a man’s logic and credibility is a way a woman essentially “brings a man down to her level of absurdity.”

There comes a line of questioning so invasive, so interrogative and so unreasonable, that a man, feeling like he is on the defence, will yield his logic to his sense of frustration, and then the woman who deliberately and calculatingly imposed this form of mental tyranny in her sense of outrage will then use this frustration as a weapon against the man to further reduce his credibility by pointing out quite proudly that he is in fact no more logical than she!

Isn't attacking the credibility of your opponent's logic the purpose of a debate? I fail to see your point in any of the above (state debate champion here 2 women beating 2 men on 4-1 decision with judge panel consisting of men and women.)


https://www.reddit.com/r/TheBluePill/comments/1prbbo/ive_denounced_trp_lifestyle_the_red_pill_is/ I'm sure this guys' experience is an abberation.


Try reading this one with an open mind. Excellent article.




Have you googled Madame Curie yet? I know when we spoke you had not heard of her....an example of a woman making a contribution per your request. You must have missed class that day.


Plommer, do you support that Vroosh guy too and advocate rape of women being legalized? That is a serious question....that seems to be a popular issue among you RP guys. Keep in mind our friendship is riding on your answer ;). Oh look! ! It's another classic female manipulation!

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The problem for women is that they have as hard a time suppressing their irrational emotions as we males have suppressing our physicality.


There are higher consequences for our failure to suppress physicality, and we assumed that there are lower consequences for failure of women to suppress rallying.


But we were WRONG.


We have retained constraints on male physicality, and abandoned constraints on female solipsism and emotional control over rallying us via emotion. We have stopped ‘punishing women’ for improper rallying, but retained the punishment of men for improper physicality.


This has allowed women to immorally use ‘rallying’ the same way men rally crowds with violence. But while violence may be destructive to property, women’s solipsistic uncontrolled emotions empower the minority of males to use the violence of the state, and to increase the extraction of rents and increase their free riding by coddling women.


Women would have themselves feel free to rally. But we men unfree to resist rallying. Rallying in the form of the state.


We evolved to take women seriously, in the sense that they are troubled by something we feel the need to fix it. But there are many things that they are not to be taken seriously about. There are many things that they should be actively suppressed about rallying for, out of their instinctual, visceral reactions rather than rational reactions.


And this is one of them. Freedom, liberty, and safety, and the equality and demand for reason that comes from the use of arms, is to important to tolerate women’s inappropriate rallying.

We must remember that women’s rallying IS A WEAPON. It evolved AS A WEAPON. It is possibly the cause for the origin of SPEECH: rallying.


But female rallying is violence against us and it is a weapon, just as carrying a weapon is defense against RALLYING.

Women marry the state and rally statists and fools.

It is an arms race.

And we cannot let them win.


SHAMING Is an act of theft. RALLYING is an act of aggression. Never tolerate either from women. REQUIRE REASON not RALLYING or SHAMING.

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Women are good at saving face and maintaining a reputation whilst simultaneously practicing poor reasoning ability.


This is where manipulation comes into play; you’ll find that, women are very good at spinning things, far more so than your average man is.


They’ll talk to you, they’ll hold you to your words and get you on the defence, constantly questioning you, but they’ll ignore any criticisms directed at them as if to say with the unspoken word that your concerns or notice of their irrationalism is unworthy of validation.


Then they use your own words against you, using underhanded and subtle spin, to make you look like an idiot.


The more you put into an argument with a woman the more likely you are to lose with her because she will act most deviously in sabotaging your reputation whilst she layers hers.

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To a woman, an argument is not usually an exchange of information between one person and another where despite opposition, ideas can be exchanged and information learnt.


To a woman, an argument is a battleground for pushing an agenda, and reputation maintenance always comprises part of that agenda, there’s nothing more and nothing less to the nature of their argumentation.


This is why typically, they cannot be held as accountable and thus even remotely equal to men due to an absence of credibility, they demonstrate repeatedly that their mental faculty is averse to claiming responsibility via honest, transparent discourse.


Even when they are in positions of power which require by nature of the job description that they be held completely and utterly accountable, they still demonstrate reluctance to give up plausible deniability and be forced into a position, analyse any female bosses in the workplace you’ve had to draw a personal inference if you need so.

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Women just cannot stop invading male spaces


The reason for this drive to infiltrate male spaces has been whittled down to 2 main ideas:

  1. This is a form of social control, because women need to silence these male only spaces because men talk, share ideas leading to the depedestalising of women and the denying them of male attention.

  2. That women have a biological drive to infiltrate male spaces, because it is paramount to her survival.

Men have single-handedly constructed and maintained civilization itself, and women have merely been passive participants in this process, reaping the benefits of male protection and resources.


Almost everything you will ever use in your daily life has been designed and built by men. Feminists would counter that because women have been so oppressed, they were never given the chance to invent or create - but when given complete control over their own lives and environment - women fail spectacularly.


Women need to infiltrate male spaces, demonize male only institutions and complain and cry about sexism because it is their biological imperative to do so and guarantee their place in the tribe. If a woman were to be excluded from a male-only survivor island and forced to live on her own, she'd die. Female shit tests, female manipulation, female social machinations - their entire existence depends on their ability to manipulate men to serve as their protectors.


So next time you're mad at shit tests, pissed off that they're seemingly heartless and manipulative, frustrated that she tries to use sex as a bargaining tool, or stamping her feet and crying like a child maintaining that 'Women can do anything men can!" - simply chuckle to yourself and remember that evolution has given her this demeanor to survive. If you were both dumped on a deserted island together and she couldn't manipulate you into providing for her, she's completely and utterly fucked.

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Plommer doesn't hate women. He demystifies them.


Their value has been inflated by society's need to protect them, which is understandable, but the approach society is taking is wrong.


Society has attempted to dehumanize men and turn them into women's equals. When we clearly are not.


Differences should be celebrated and not crushed.


You do not raise women's status by lowering men's.


For too long, society has been devaluing men, it is high time we find a solution to the huge imbalance in rights and the devaluation of men.


Neutering them as early as kindergarten, continuing into manhood. Breeding docile males, followers, apologists for the movement to put women where they don't belong.


Generating bread winners who turn over their paycheck and when the woman gets tired, child support and spousal support, because you know, women are weak and cannot take care of themselves.


So which is it?


If they were equal they would be expected to support themselves.


No, I am not against equality in many aspects of life. I am against false equality.


A woman can not expect to lift heavy weights anymore than I can expect to bear children.


There are things in life that are simply not above biology or physics.


Society has been making an attempt to make us men ignore these simple truths.


I have always been aware that women of today offer little more than a womb and a cash drain.


What? They clean and cook? A maid can do that. What do they really offer? Other than a psychological support we men have been bred to need.


I don't mean to offer that women are worthless. I would just like someone to tell me, in a non-complicated manner, what it is they do offer that makes them so valuable to society, other than child bearing abilities, which can be managed in some other way.


Chances are, I can hire all the help I need to raise a family and not have the emotional debt that a woman would like to instill in me every single freaking day of that wonderful life they claim to offer us men.


Men realizing that we are nothing but cash cows to women is what brings about movements like TRP.




I like ya as a poster plommer, you seem like a solid canadian guy, but just cannot believe some of your thoughts on women. Must have been hurt real bad in the past or had some sort of traumatic experience


Men dehumanize themselves for treating women like equals? Plenty of women can live off what they make, id guess more women than not in todays age. 


Two of my best friends date women that make a decent bit more than them. It doesnt matter a lick. Idk where you got this idea that all men should care about is sex and all women care about is money. Its baffling. 

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 Must have been hurt real bad in the past or had some sort of traumatic experience

Oh and this is a typical response from a woman. It's a shaming technique.


Don't assume too much about the motivation behind my current beliefs. My beliefs are accurate for me and many other men.


It's mostly women that have a problem with it.





tripper, for all the detractors I have many more SUPPORTERS here.  So I make sense to others and not just myself.

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I like ya as a poster plommer, you seem like a solid canadian guy, but just cannot believe some of your thoughts on women. Must have been hurt real bad in the past or had some sort of traumatic experience


Men dehumanize themselves for treating women like equals? Plenty of women can live off what they make, id guess more women than not in todays age. 


Two of my best friends date women that make a decent bit more than them. It doesnt matter a lick. Idk where you got this idea that all men should care about is sex and all women care about is money. Its baffling.




Thank you for reaffirming that there are some men with common sense around here. I made more than any of my bf in the past and it didn't bother me.


Plommer, there may be some men that agree with some of what you are saying, but I doubt many belief in MOST of what you are saying,

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You're not alone, and neither am I. There are many men that believe the same things as I do.





But thats not a defense for anything.


You could say that a hundred years ago also re: slavery. Many whites thought they were better than blacks and shouldnt have to live alongside them or as equals. So because many thought it it was an OK way to act/thought?


Two main issues with the thinking are 


1) You are putting yourself above someone for a shallow characteristic like their gender. Race/gender/religion/sexual orientation, its all the same. Nobody is any better than anybody else based on these things. None of these things determine your character


2) you are completely generalizing an entire group of people. You speak about women like they are all the same with the same thoughts, wants, needs motivations etc. They are all after the same thing and only care about money and taking down men. Most families now are two income families and as a teacher i deal with plenty of different families- its damn near equal how many times the woman makes more than the man in the relationship (based on what i can tell i dont exactly get all their tax returns but i know where they work and have a pretty good idea of their job there). So that theory is gone up in flames. How can women be solely with a man for money when they make more of it in a lot of cases?


Plenty of men tonight either raped someone, murdered someone, or molested a child. Is that a reflection on you? Do you also accept responsibility for that molestation since you are a man? You must have the same thoughts and motivations in life as that guy, you are the same gender after all. Is Bill Cosby an accurate representation of who you are?


The answers are of course not, we are all individuals that make our own choices and have our own minds. One woman using a man for money and then sleeping around doesnt indict other women. You using women for sex and sex alone surely does not reflect me as a man and my views on women. 

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I get annoyed when women refuse to believe that a man can be a victim in a relationship.


Women are MASTER manipulators.


Do I hate them? No.


But they are.


. Of course men can be victims as well. I don't dispute that. But the solution to some women being manipulative is not to treat the whole of women like dirt, rape them, and belittle them at every opportunity which Plommer seems to advocate.
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and she will learn to trust no one, especially not guys.


i didn't say men where something special either, everyone sucks.

So your daughter is a whore. You have quite clearly stated that and not only given permission, but told other men they should treat her as such

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