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Big anti Trump protest planned for tonight in NYC


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Right. Because Donald Trump would be President-elect today if the popular vote was used? Have you looked at the fucking Electoral College map?


Sure. It doesn't help rural voters at all. LOL.


Jesus fucking Christ. Dumber than a brick.

Trump, a man of the rural farmer.


You don't appear to be grasping my point but it's not surprising. The rural areas of this country have deteriorated from when they once were for the past 100 years. Trump is a king of corporations. He's going to bring back the mom and pop stores? He's going to allow small farmers to compete with big companies.


The point is it isn't protecting them, therefore I'm not a huge fan of it and think it needs a dramatic overhaul.


As far as trump, sure but who says that's a good thing?

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Never and i live in a community with plenty of black people, plenty of muslim people. Grew up in a high school that had a really high muslim population actually. Teach at a school with refugee families taken in from Syria and never once have i felt in danger in my life just because of someone I saw or was around me


There are plenty of black people that will do bad things. Plenty of white people. You say blacks dont take care of their kids. From my personal experience I know many more white families with fucked up home situations. We have a child where i work where the mom has 3 kids with 3 different dads none in the picture (white mom all kids are white so assuming all dads were white), they live with 3 other adult roommates, she at one point in her life was in rehab for drug abuse, she never even gives the kid (only the oldest is at the school) more than a packaged rice krispie square and cheese string in her lunch, wont give the kid any physical affection. Its a disaster 


Does that mean white people are trash since i know families like this and almost all the minority families ive gotten to know at the school have great home systems? Of course not. Biggest reason the white family is so fucked up? Mom doesnt have any money which im sure led her to drugs and to the rest of her bad choices. Is that an excuse? no shes a pos from my perspective, but fact is economic standing is the biggest contributor to the things you fear not race, culture or religion. People that are poor are more likely to feel helpless or hopeless. People that feel that way are much more likely to do awful things to escape 


you have no idea of the black community then


14.9% of the children in the world are raised by a single parent


yet 72% of black children in the us are raised by a single parent (always the mom)


and you're gonna say that i'm wrong that black men as a whole don't take care of their kids?  open your fucking eyes

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Lol a guy from milwaukee and and a guy from Arizona think they interact with black people on a daily basis. Come to Ohio you would be scared shitless.

Of my 20 years of coaching HS football, I have only coached 5 black kids. All were outstanding young men.


I can count on one hand the number of black people I have worked with closely over the years. All were outstanding men.


So that's my sample size Ive worked with. And I have zero reason to ever be racist or bigoted towards black people.

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Ok. If it makes me a retard to believe everyone's vote should hold the same value then so be it.

So your minority faction is rural voters? Interesting.

Why does the location of someone's home dictate the value of their vote. Doesn't the voice of the people resonate the same from a city as it does from a rural community. Exactly what has the electoral college protected in the rural communities that have been dying for the past 100 years?

You can say retard and dumb ass as much as possible monkey but it doesn't take away from your lack of understanding in this discussion.

If everyone's vote holds the same value why were you whining about Trump being elected by uneducated white males?


Certainly their vote is just as important as some degreed liberal elitist right?

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MM there are ghettos and black ppl in Vegas too...maybe Maine? Switzerland?


black population in milwaukee is 50%


black population of vegas is 10%


you really trying to compare the two?  check the crime statistics... milwaukee and chicago have 10x the murders/violent crime of places like vegas


weird that people like hangover and smoke have no idea of the black population in places like milwaukee

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Never said they weren't equal. Simply laughed at it.

And that's your right to do that, it just makes you look like an elitist yourself for doing it.


I would be willing to bet you were quite offended when people bitched about Obama being elected by minority voters.


Double standards suck, no matter who is applying them.

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Who said I voted for Obama?

Actually I remember saying you didn't, but I guarantee you were offended by people that were upset about his election.


I don't understand why you seem to belittle ignorant white people, but ignorant black people are somehow noble.


Maybe I'm reading you wrong, but from your tone last night I sensed you insinuating that Trump being elected by uneducated white folk somehow cheapened his election.

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Actually I remember saying you didn't, but I guarantee you were offended by people that were upset about his election.


I don't understand why you seem to belittle ignorant white people, but ignorant black people are somehow noble.


Maybe I'm reading you wrong, but from your tone last night I sensed you insinuating that Trump being elected by uneducated white folk somehow cheapened his election.


all part of the media saying "non-college educated whites" but not splitting off blacks and hispanics the same way


they couldn't admit they were wrong so spun it as the angry white redneck vote

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how many black people have you talked to today?


gotta be 0


surely less than 6... i counted them because i played poker with 3, 2 clients, and 1 acquantance i saw downtown

Checking in w only talking to two (2) black people today. (There's only 3 out of the 300 people in my office so 2/3'aint bad)


Did talk with -

-4 Vietnamese

-3 Chinese

-1.5 Japanese

-4 Indians

-1 Egyptian

-1 Philipino

-4 Mexicans


And a few other non-whites who's race I'm unsure on


One thing in common of all of them? They gave me shit for Trump!! Can you believe that shit??? Told them it was racist to lump me in with him Because I happen to be white!



(Thankfully it was mostly in a joking and playful manner and my office is definitely very lax on the joking about race and religion relative to most of Silicon Valley).

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Trump, a man of the rural farmer.


You don't appear to be grasping my point but it's not surprising. The rural areas of this country have deteriorated from when they once were for the past 100 years. Trump is a king of corporations. He's going to bring back the mom and pop stores? He's going to allow small farmers to compete with big companies.


The point is it isn't protecting them, therefore I'm not a huge fan of it and think it needs a dramatic overhaul.


As far as trump, sure but who says that's a good thing?


OMG.  More dumb shit.  Are you actually insinuating that the Electoral College was designed to protect minority factions from their own vote?  LOL.  You obviously have no fucking clue what you're talking about.  The Electoral College was designed to protect the VOTE of minority factions.  Even a retard can look at a county electoral map of this election from ANY state and tell you that rural voters voted for Trump overwhelmingly and urban voters voted for Clinton overwhelmingly.  You do realize if your premise were actually true that the majority vote would then implicitly need to represent the minority.  If that makes sense to you, you have absolutely no grasp of logic.  Of course, there'd be no chance of Madison's fear of a tyrannical majority in that case.  Right?


Surely, you also fail to see the irony in that the same could be said for Clinton not representing the majority voters either, being the queen of banks/corporations, etc.

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black population in milwaukee is 50%


black population of vegas is 10%


you really trying to compare the two?  check the crime statistics... milwaukee and chicago have 10x the murders/violent crime of places like vegas


weird that people like hangover and smoke have no idea of the black population in places like milwaukee


Milwaukee is non-existent to us except for wagers involving Bucks and Brewers.


I suggest once again...move. You will undoubtedly find a new group of minorities to complain about wherever you land.

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Milwaukee is non-existent to us except for wagers involving Bucks and Brewers.


I suggest once again...move. You will undoubtedly find a new group of minorities to complain about wherever you land.


easy to say when your sick dad and grandma don't live here, along with your kids' friends and in-laws


makes it a bit more complicated


and there is no place in the world i would voluntarily move to, that was comprised of 50% blacks that beg me for money and threaten my life

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Bullshit.  Milwaukee is nothing like the rest of Wisconsin.


Madison is one of the best cities to live in the country.


totally agree


people that have never lived here or even visited here like to share their stupid opinions


i could live in madison the rest of my life and never once complain about a minority... you know why?  because they wouldn't fucking rob and stab me, and beg me for money on a daily basis

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Tell them you hate black people and cant take it anymore so you are leaving....I am sure they would understand.


how many black clients do you have?  i have about 20 and i don't hate a single one of them


how many black people have you helped?  i have delivered food to thousands of them, and have done free tax returns for thousands more


so i hate black people but help thousands of them... you love black people and help about 0 of them?  weird


i guess speaking the truth and holding people responsible for their actions = hate, while justifying bad behavior = love

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