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Mike Pence ripped by Hamilton cast


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Wasn't bitching that the Dems will obstruct - that is expected. 

The Democrats want to take this nation in the direction of open borders with higher taxes.  The Republicans want to lower taxes and regain sovereignty for our nation.  We are pulling in opposite directions. 

While the Democrats were in power and forcing changes with Obama's phone and pen, the Republicans had to obstruct or agree to go down the road in the wrong, according to their views, direction.  Now, that the Republicans are in power, the Democrats MUST obstruct in order to stay true to their beliefs - or they are agreeing to go down the road in the wrong direction.

We are diametrically opposed in where we thing this country should go.  Compromising doesn't work when you are going in opposite directions.


Obama was a disaster for this country.  I am sure you believe Trump will be a disaster for this country.  We survived Obama and we will survive Trump.  He is not the Anti-Christ you have made him out to be. 


Don't you at least like the way he has forced appointees to stay out of the revolving door for five years?


what kind of disaster items have you seen from obama?


All i see is positive changes from bush years

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what kind of disaster items have you seen from obama?


All i see is positive changes from bush years

Blacks are as worthless as they have ever been under Obama's watch. Hussein set Blacks back 70 years


They were a much bigger contributor to society under W


Dems want to keep the poor (blacks) down. They make up a large swath that vote Dem

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Blacks are as worthless as they have ever been under Obama's watch. Hussein set Blacks back 70 years


They were a much bigger contributor to society under W


Dems want to keep the poor (blacks) down. They make up a large swath that vote Dem


ok, so nothing factual. Just as i thought

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I'm hoping the guy gets booed all the time out in public. Not sure i've seen that happen to a president before

It's not about whether an elected official can go out in public.


It's about time & place.


Eight years and when the Obamas wanted a concert, they basically invited in artists to The White House or to that Kennedy Center and a long list of respected artists from all genres participated, including numerous southern rockers and American blues artists.


However, we never saw Barack & Michelle get escorted by security into the VIP seating for a Lynyrd Skynyrd concert. They were a wee bit smarter than that

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Trump Inc announced the inauguration headline music act.....they first scouted platinum recording artists from the Teens and struck out.....then they scoured all the best selling concert performers of the Aughts and whiffed.


Then they reached into the 1990s and almost came up dry again before reaching the very early 90s and getting a full 1/3 of arena packing rock and roll act Motley Crue.


Incoming VP Pence surely a Yuge fan of that Motley Crue.....likely plays Girls, Girls, Girls at full volume when showering each morning....he should expect ZERO booing from the crowd or from most anyone on stage Jan 20.


The 1460 days following may be a bit tougher for him.



Will be hilarious to see how easily Trump tilts every 24 hrs when one or more public figures/celebrities cast shade or run smak on him and his crew

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Of course it's been vastly accelerated by mankind.


Anyone that denies that is a denier of science and a denier of facts. Sorry if that bothers you.


No effect. LOL. TGF right wingers = smarter than the worlds best scientists. We are being graced by genius!


The earth is not warming at it's natural pace. No one argues that the earth warms and cools in cycles. The cycle has been drastically accelerated since the Industrial Revolution. Denying such is just plain ignorance. 


I could post 1000 studies but you would pass them off as scientist propaganda so it would be a waste of time. Amazing how much you dislike facts. 

Last year had the single greatest increase in global CO-2 levels ever, do you get that? This crap- the phony war against climate change(global warming) has been going on for 20 years now, all these measures that have been implemented, have had no effect, none. It's a waste of time, it's designed to make people feel good - but really want's to funnel money into a few pockets(can you day al gore). As was mentioned, if the US ceased to exist today(which we will not), global temps a 100 years from will not be effected at all, all the reusable grocery bags, the windmills, the electric cars, the solar cells, are for nothing. They dont matter a bit.


US carbon emissions no longer matter, the only thing that matters is china, india, nigeria, saudi arabia, etc, and they are rising rapidly. Corrupt politicians are using climate change to enrich themselves, don't fall for it.

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Of course it's been vastly accelerated by mankind.


Anyone that denies that is a denier of science and a denier of facts. Sorry if that bothers you.


No effect. LOL. TGF right wingers = smarter than the worlds best scientists. We are being graced by genius!


The earth is not warming at it's natural pace. No one argues that the earth warms and cools in cycles. The cycle has been drastically accelerated since the Industrial Revolution. Denying such is just plain ignorance. 


I could post 1000 studies but you would pass them off as scientist propaganda so it would be a waste of time. Amazing how much you dislike facts. 


All this global warming science is nothing more than computer models.  These models depend upon many assumptions, and just like any other computer model - garbage in garbage out.  These same models told Al Gore not very long ago that New York would have been under water by now.

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All this global warming science is nothing more than computer models. These models depend upon many assumptions, and just like any other computer model - garbage in garbage out. These same models told Al Gore not very long ago that New York would have been under water by now.

Computers, math and science... bunch of mumbo-jumbo. Who needs that when we have Jesus?

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What happened to it being an honor to have the future VP show up at your show (even if you don't believe in his stance on things)? This play got more free publicity for this than paid promotion.

Agreed though I don't think Hamilton needs publicity. I always thought it was impossible to get tickets.

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What happened to it being an honor to have the future VP show up at your show (even if you don't believe in his stance on things)? This play got more free publicity for this than paid promotion.

What don't you understand? 


Are you this dense?


The guy passed bills leading to inequality for gay people in his state.

In the 90's he funded programs to "convert" gay people back to straight.

He was anti-HIV assistance because it was a gay disease. 


Are those gay people then supposed to show him respect and appreciation when he attends their show? 


Why don't you educate yourself on the VP's policies. 



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Computers, math and science... bunch of mumbo-jumbo. Who needs that when we have Jesus?


Watch what happens the next time a hurricane threatens the East Coast.  A week in advance, the meteorologists will show you about 20 different paths, from 20 different COMPUTER MODELS, that the storm MAY take to determine just where landfall can be expected.  The paths will vary greatly.

And, then one day out - they still can't tell if landfall will be in Florida or Georgia.  One model will say the storm hits Miami, another will say it misses the coast altogether and circles around to come back a week later.  All along, the experts are averaging those many models and won't make any hard and fast predictions until the storm is only an hour away.


We don't understand climate very well.  We still think a butterfly's wings flapping in Alaska might cause a storm to develop at the Equator.  When you put assumptions and guesses into a computer model, you are not getting facts out of that model - you are getting guesses.  Al Gore guessed that the East Coast would be drowning already.  All the guesses predicted so far have been wrong - but you go ahead and believe the latest predictions, because sooner or later they might get one right.


( BTW, don't know why you put that Jesus thing in there - I am an atheist.)

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